Self portraits in the guise of buildings, houses, and storefronts. These modest, largely unobserved structures reflect my own feelings of invisibility in the world. Their facades, assaulted by the Earth’s relentless systems, a reminder of my own earthly frailty.
ABC United Trading Corp. 2011 5.5x8” acrylic on board
Petemar Enterprises Ltd. 2011 5.5x8” acrylic on board
House on Marconi 2010 5.5x8” acrylic on board
Oriental(e) 2010 5.5x8” acrylic on board
A.B. Demolition 2010 5.5x8” acrylic on board
House on De Brebeuf 2010 5.5x8” acrylic on board
Pizza 2009 5.5x8” acrylic on board
Apartment on Convent Place 2009 5.5x8” acrylic on board
M. Griffin Ltd. 2009 5.5x8” acrylic on board
Parkside Bar 2009 8x12” acrylic on paper
House with Motorcycle 2008 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
City Water Meter Repair Co., Inc. 2008 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Louise Apts 2008 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Rosedale Manor 2007 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Burnside Road House 2007 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Wel-Food Store 2007 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Munt 2007 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Black Stripe 2007 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Running Man 2006 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Martin’s Bar 2006 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Found Object 2006 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
New Tiny 2005 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Camrose Apartments 2005 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Yet Sing Company 2005 12x8” acrylic on paper
Laundry and Dry Cleaners 2004 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Corrado’s Barber Shop 2004 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Stars and Stripes 2003 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Orphan 2003 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Garage Vista 2003 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
White Building 2003 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Basic Inquiry Studio 2003 5.5x8″ acrylic on paper
Yellow Garage 2003 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Ming’s Grocery 2002 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
T & P Grocery 2002 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Good Used Furniture 2002 18x12” acrylic on paper
Housekeeping Rooms 2002 18x12” acrylic on paper
Picket Fence 2002 12x18” acrylic on paper
Accidental Gourmet 2001 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Versailles Elegance 2001 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
Palm Dairies 2001 5.5x8” acrylic on paper
Books 2000 12x18” acrylic on paper
Hudson Plumbing Supplies 2000 8x5.5” acrylic on paper
The Janion 1999 19x11” acrylic on paper
Vacant Building 1999 18x12” acrylic on paper
Square Boy 1994 11.25x17” acrylic on paper
Take Out Burgers 1994 11.25x17” acrylic on paper
Wigwam Village (monochrome) 1993 7x5" acrylic on paper